
The script module provides a lexer, recursive decent parser, and type-checker for NWScript.


In the case of the Python API, the interface to the AST is read only.


Basic Loading

import rollnw
from rollnw.script import Nss, Context

# Start kernel, if you want to load game assets

# Create a context and to add include path, pass them into the Context constructor
ctx = Context(["includes/"])

# Load the script from a file
nss = Nss("path/to/myscript.nss", ctx)

# Parse

# Preprocessing

# Now all dependencies are available
deps = nss.dependencies()

# Ast resolution and type-checking

# Load a script from string
nss2 = Nss.from_string("void test_function(string s, int b);", ctx)

# To get any old script in the the context's resman use ``get``.  Note this
# parses and resolves the script, nothing further processing is needed.
raise_dead = ctx.get("nw_s0_raisdead")

Iterating Top-Level Declarations

import rollnw
from rollnw.script import Nss, FunctionDecl, Context

# Start kernel, if you want to load game assets

# Create a context..
ctx = Context()

# The default command script is "nwsscript"
nss = ctx.command_script()

# Iterate toplevel declarations and look for function declarations
# This is all functions WITHOUT bodies.
for decl in nss.ast():
    if isinstance(decl, FunctionDecl):
        # the identifier is token for now..
        print(f"function '{decl.identifier()}' has {len(decl)} parameter(s)")

# Or if you know what you're looking for.. the result is a rollnw.script.Symbol
int_to_string = nss.locate_export("IntToString", False)


The parser currently parses at >100MBps on a 2015 MacBook Pro.


  • Decide how much to track NWN:EE NWScript changes, only raw strings isn’t already done.

  • Make the library more useful for NWScript successors (i.e Dragon Age or KoTOR)

  • Whether to do optimizations or anything further than performance/usability improvements
