
class rollnw.script.AssignExpression

Assignment operation expression

lhs: VariableExpression | DotExpression

Expression being assigned to. Note that in a simple language like NWScript this can only be a variable expression or a dot expression (i.e. assigning a struct member)

operator: NssToken

The assignment operator, ‘=’, ‘+=’, etc, etc.

rhs: Expression

The expression being assigned

class rollnw.script.Ast

Class containing a parsed ast

__getitem__(index: int) Declaration

Gets a toplevel declaration

__iter__() Iterator[Declaration]

Gets an iterator of toplevel declarations

__len__() int

Gets number of toplevel declarations

comments() List[Comment]

Gets all comments in Ast

defines: dict[str, str]

Defines from #define directive. Only used in command script, i.e. nwscript.nss

find_comment(line) str

Finds first comment that the source range of which ends on line or line - 1

includes: List[Include]

Scripts that are included in the current script

class rollnw.script.AstNode

Base Ast Node class

complete(needle: str) List[Symbol]

Find completions for any Ast Node

@note This function does not traverse dependencies

class rollnw.script.BinaryExpression

Binary operation expression

lhs: Expression

Lefthand side of the binary expression

operator: NssToken

The binary operator, ‘+’, ‘-’, etc, etc.

rhs: Expression

Righthand side of the binary expression

class rollnw.script.BlockStatement

Block statement


Range in source code



__getitem__(idx: int) Statement

Gets a statement in the block

__iter__() Iterator[Statement]

Gets iterator of statements

__len__() int

Gets the number of statements

class rollnw.script.CallExpression

Call operation expression

__getitem__(idx: int) Expression

Gets an argument

__iter__() Iterator[Expression]

Gets iterator of arguments

__len__() int

Gets the number of arguments

expr: Expression

The expression prior to (...)

class rollnw.script.Comment

Abstracts Comment

__str__() str

Return str(self).

class rollnw.script.ComparisonExpression

Comparison operation expression

lhs: Expression

Lefthand side of the Comparison expression

operator: NssToken

The Comparison operator, ‘==’, ‘<’, etc, etc.

rhs: Expression

Righthand side of the Comparison expression

class rollnw.script.ConditionalExpression

Conditional operation expression

false_branch: Statement

The branch where test is False

test: Expression

The expression that is tested

true_branch: Statement

The branch where test is True

class rollnw.script.Context(include_paths: List[str] = [], command_script: str = 'nwscript')

Provides a context for parsing a NWScript file

Every context contains its own resource manager that has as a parent the global resource manager. Ultimately, this will be changed to each context having its own unique resource manager.

  • include_paths ([str], optional) – A list of include paths to load into internal resource manager. Default: [].

  • command_script (str, optional) – Command script to load. Default: “nwscript”.

__init__(include_paths: List[str] = [], command_script: str = 'nwscript')
add_include_path(path: str)

Adds path to internal resman

command_script() Nss | None

Gets the command script for the current context

get(resref: str, is_command_script: bool = False) Nss | None

Gets a script from the context’s internal resman

class rollnw.script.DeclList
__getitem__(idx: int) Declaration

Gets a declaration

__iter__() Iterator[Declaration]

Gets iterator of statements

__len__() int

Gets the number of declarations

class rollnw.script.Declaration

Base Declaration class type

identifier() str

Get declaration identifier

class rollnw.script.Diagnostic

Information for a script diagnostic

location: SourceRange

Source range in script

message: str

A helpful message

script: str

Name of script

severity: DiagnosticSeverity

The severity of the diagnostic

type: DiagnosticType

The type of the diagnostic

enum rollnw.script.DiagnosticSeverity(value)
Member Type:


Valid values are as follows:

error = <DiagnosticSeverity.error: 1>
hint = <DiagnosticSeverity.hint: 2>
information = <DiagnosticSeverity.information: 3>
warning = <DiagnosticSeverity.warning: 4>
enum rollnw.script.DiagnosticType(value)
Member Type:


Valid values are as follows:

lexical = <DiagnosticType.lexical: 1>
parse = <DiagnosticType.parse: 2>
semantic = <DiagnosticType.semantic: 3>
class rollnw.script.DoStatement

Do statement

block: BlockStatement

The do block statement

test: Expression

The test at the end of the block

class rollnw.script.DotExpression

Dot operation expression

lhs: VariableExpression | CallExpression

In NWScript the only two possible expressions on the left hand of the dot are var_expr.var_expr or call_expr.var_expr

rhs: VariableExpression

The right hand side of a dot operator

class rollnw.script.EmptyExpression

Empty expression only used in case of expression parsing erros

class rollnw.script.EmptyStatement

Empty statement

class rollnw.script.ExprStatement

Expression statement

expr: Expression

An expression

class rollnw.script.Expression

Base Expression AST node

class rollnw.script.ForStatement

For statement

block: Statement

While this is called block, any (single) statement can follow a for loop.

increment: Expression | None

An optional increment expression

init: AstNode | None

An optional initialization. Normally this is a Declaration or just an expression

test: Expression | None

An optional expression that determines if the loop is to continue

class rollnw.script.FunctionDecl

Function declaration

__getitem__(idx: int) Declaration

Gets a parameter

__iter__() Iterator[Declaration]

Gets iterator of parameters

__len__() int

Gets the number of parameters

class rollnw.script.FunctionDefinition

Function definition

block: BlockStatement

Block of the function

decl: FunctionDecl

Declaration of the function definition

class rollnw.script.GroupingExpression

Grouping operation expression

expr: Expression

Expression contained in the grouping parenthesis.

class rollnw.script.IfStatement

If statement

false_branch: Statement

The optional branch where test is False

test: Expression

The expression that is tested

true_branch: Statement

The branch where test is True

class rollnw.script.Include

Abstracts a script include

location: SourceRange

Source range in script

resref: str

Resref of included script

script: Nss

Loaded script

used: int

Number of times include is used in script file

class rollnw.script.InlayHint

An inlay source code hint for an LSP

message: str

Helpful message to display inline or a type, etc.

position: SourcePosition

The postion where the hint should be displayed

class rollnw.script.JumpStatement

Jump statement

expr: Expression | None

Optional expression when returning a value

operator: NssToken

Token representing the jump statement (i.e. return, break, continue)

class rollnw.script.LabelStatement

Label statement

expr: Expression | None

Expression when label is a case.

label: NssToken

Token representing the label statement (i.e. case, default)

class rollnw.script.LiteralExpression

Literal expression

data: int | str | float | Location

Data of the literal value

literal: NssToken

Token of the literal value

class rollnw.script.LiteralVectorExpression

Literal vector expression

x: NssToken

Token representation for x value

y: NssToken

Token representation for y value

z: NssToken

Token representation for z value

class rollnw.script.LogicalExpression

Logical operation expression

lhs: Expression

Lefthand side of the logical expression

operator: NssToken

The logical operator, ‘||’, ‘&&’, etc, etc.

rhs: Expression

Righthand side of the logical expression

class rollnw.script.Nss(path: str, ctx: Context, is_command_script: bool = False)

Implementation of nwscript

__init__(path: str, ctx: Context, is_command_script: bool = False)

Constructs Nss object

ast() Ast

Gets the parsed script

complete(needle: str) List[Symbol]

Generates a list of potential completions (excluding dependencies)

complete_at(needle: str, line: int, character: int) List[Symbol]

Get all completions (including dependencies)

complete_dot(needle: str, line: int, character: int) List[Symbol]

Get all completions for struct fields

diagnostics() List[Diagnostic]
errors() int

Gets number of errors encountered while parsing

exports() List[Symbol]

Gets all of the scripts exports, i.e. top level declarations

static from_string(string: str, ctx: Context, is_command_script: bool = False) Nss

Loads Nss from string

locate_export(is_type: bool, search_dependencies: bool = False) Symbol

Locate export, i.e. a top level symbols

locate_symbol(symbol: str, line: int, character: int) Symbol

Locate symbol in source file

name() str

Gets script’s name


Parses the script


Process includes and dependencies


Resolves and type-checks Ast

signature_help(line: int, character: int) SignatureHelp

Gets signature help for a call expression that contains the provided position

view_from_range(range: SourceRange) str

Gets string view of the source at range

warnings() int

Gets number of errors encountered while parsing

class rollnw.script.NssLexer(script: str)

A nwscript lexer

__init__(script: str)

Constructs lexer from a string


Gets next token


Gets next token

class rollnw.script.NssToken

Nss token

loc: SourceLocation

The location of the token in a source file

type: NssTokenType

The type of the token

enum rollnw.script.NssTokenType(value)
Member Type:


Valid values are as follows:

INVALID = <NssTokenType.INVALID: 1>
END = <NssTokenType.END: 2>
LPAREN = <NssTokenType.LPAREN: 4>
RPAREN = <NssTokenType.RPAREN: 5>
LBRACE = <NssTokenType.LBRACE: 6>
RBRACE = <NssTokenType.RBRACE: 7>
COMMA = <NssTokenType.COMMA: 10>
COLON = <NssTokenType.COLON: 11>
QUESTION = <NssTokenType.QUESTION: 12>
POUND = <NssTokenType.POUND: 14>
DOT = <NssTokenType.DOT: 15>
AND = <NssTokenType.AND: 16>
ANDAND = <NssTokenType.ANDAND: 17>
ANDEQ = <NssTokenType.ANDEQ: 18>
DIV = <NssTokenType.DIV: 19>
DIVEQ = <NssTokenType.DIVEQ: 20>
EQ = <NssTokenType.EQ: 21>
EQEQ = <NssTokenType.EQEQ: 22>
GT = <NssTokenType.GT: 23>
GTEQ = <NssTokenType.GTEQ: 24>
LT = <NssTokenType.LT: 25>
LTEQ = <NssTokenType.LTEQ: 26>
MINUS = <NssTokenType.MINUS: 27>
MINUSEQ = <NssTokenType.MINUSEQ: 28>
MOD = <NssTokenType.MOD: 30>
MODEQ = <NssTokenType.MODEQ: 31>
TIMES = <NssTokenType.TIMES: 32>
TIMESEQ = <NssTokenType.TIMESEQ: 33>
NOT = <NssTokenType.NOT: 34>
NOTEQ = <NssTokenType.NOTEQ: 35>
OR = <NssTokenType.OR: 36>
OREQ = <NssTokenType.OREQ: 37>
OROR = <NssTokenType.OROR: 38>
PLUS = <NssTokenType.PLUS: 39>
PLUSEQ = <NssTokenType.PLUSEQ: 40>
PLUSPLUS = <NssTokenType.PLUSPLUS: 41>
SL = <NssTokenType.SL: 42>
SLEQ = <NssTokenType.SLEQ: 43>
SR = <NssTokenType.SR: 44>
SREQ = <NssTokenType.SREQ: 45>
TILDE = <NssTokenType.TILDE: 46>
USR = <NssTokenType.USR: 47>
USREQ = <NssTokenType.USREQ: 48>
XOR = <NssTokenType.XOR: 49>
XOREQ = <NssTokenType.XOREQ: 50>
ACTION = <NssTokenType.ACTION: 57>
BREAK = <NssTokenType.BREAK: 58>
CASE = <NssTokenType.CASE: 59>
CONST = <NssTokenType.CONST: 61>
CONTINUE = <NssTokenType.CONTINUE: 62>
DEFAULT = <NssTokenType.DEFAULT: 63>
DO = <NssTokenType.DO: 64>
EFFECT = <NssTokenType.EFFECT: 65>
ELSE = <NssTokenType.ELSE: 66>
EVENT = <NssTokenType.EVENT: 67>
FLOAT = <NssTokenType.FLOAT: 68>
FOR = <NssTokenType.FOR: 69>
IF = <NssTokenType.IF: 70>
INT = <NssTokenType.INT: 71>
JSON = <NssTokenType.JSON: 73>
LOCATION = <NssTokenType.LOCATION: 74>
OBJECT = <NssTokenType.OBJECT: 75>
RETURN = <NssTokenType.RETURN: 76>
STRING = <NssTokenType.STRING: 77>
STRUCT = <NssTokenType.STRUCT: 78>
SQLQUERY = <NssTokenType.SQLQUERY: 79>
SWITCH = <NssTokenType.SWITCH: 80>
TALENT = <NssTokenType.TALENT: 81>
VECTOR = <NssTokenType.VECTOR: 82>
VOID = <NssTokenType.VOID: 83>
WHILE = <NssTokenType.WHILE: 84>
JSON_CONST = <NssTokenType.JSON_CONST: 85>
class rollnw.script.PostfixExpression

Postfix operation expression

lhs: Expression

Lefthand side of the postfix expression

operator: NssToken

The postix operator, ‘++’, ‘–’, etc.

class rollnw.script.SignatureHelp

Data required for providing Signature Help in an LSP

active_param: int

The currently active parameter, i.e. where the cursor is in the parameter

decl: Declaration

The declaration for expr

expr: CallExpression

The current call expression

class rollnw.script.SourceLocation

Nss source location

length() int

Length of the source location

range: SourceRange

Range in source code

view() str

String view of the location

class rollnw.script.SourcePosition

Position in source code

column: int

Starting column

line: int

Starting line

class rollnw.script.SourceRange

Range into the source code

end: SourcePosition


start: SourcePosition


class rollnw.script.Statement

Base statement class

class rollnw.script.StructDecl

Struct declaration

__getitem__(idx: int) Declaration

Gets a struct member declaration

__iter__() Iterator[Declaration]

Gets iterator of statements

__len__() int

Gets the number of struct members

class rollnw.script.SwitchStatement

Switch statement

block: BlockStatement

The block of labels and stuff

target: Expression

The target expression for the switch

class rollnw.script.Symbol

Info regarding a particular symbol somewhere in a source file

comment: str

Comment associated with the line the symbol is on or the line prior

decl: Declaration

The declaration of the symbol

kind: SymbolKind

The symbols kind, for use with an LSP

node: AstNode | None

The ast node where the symbol was found, if availble

provider: Nss

The script in which the symbol was found

type: str

The symbols type as a string

view: str

A string view of the symbol in source

enum rollnw.script.SymbolKind(value)

Enum of different symbol kinds

Member Type:


Valid values are as follows:

variable = <SymbolKind.variable: 1>
function = <SymbolKind.function: 2>
type = <SymbolKind.type: 3>
param = <SymbolKind.param: 4>
field = <SymbolKind.field: 5>
class rollnw.script.UnaryExpression

Unary operation expression

operator: NssToken

The postix operator, ‘++’, ‘–’, etc.

rhs: Expression

Righthand side of the postfix expression

class rollnw.script.VarDecl

Variable declaration

init: Expression | None

An optional expression to initialize declaration

class rollnw.script.VariableExpression

Variable expression

var: NssToken

Token containing variable identifier

class rollnw.script.WhileStatement

While statement

block: Statement

While this is called block, any (single) statement can follow a for loop.

test: Expression

The expression that determines if the loop is to continue